Banana Epiphany
I've been dwelling lately on the sad fact that man is becoming further and further removed from nature. This alienation results in an unfortunate by-product -- distance from God. Nature puts God before the mind. Human artifacts put man before the mind.
So, in a fit of health-consciousness, I bought a banana. I peeled it and sunk my incisors into the pastel-yellow goodness. It was firm and a little tart -- just the way I like it. Suddenly, this snack became a spiritual experience. GOD CREATED THIS. A Snickers bar is man-made, and not necessarily intended for my good. If contemplated at all, the Snickers puts man before the mind. The banana is FROM GOD. I felt close to Him, as I enjoyed it, and I could almost sense the glory that emanated from the experience. I think God smiles when we enjoy what he has made for us.
Am I crazy?